Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

15 situs penyedia themes dan templete blog

Jika Anda sudah bosan dengan tampilan blog Anda di Blogger dan merasa tidak puas dengan pilihan template yang disediakan Blogger, Anda bisa menggunakan desain template buatan pihak ketiga yang tersedia secara gratis. Jika Anda melakukan pencarian dengan Google, Anda akan dengan mudah menemukan situs-situs penyedia template blogger tersebut. .
Untuk menggunakan template dari pihak ketiga ini, terlebih dahulu Anda harus mendownload file template yang disediakan situs-situs tersebut. Beberapa situs menyertakan file “readme.txt” yang berisikan petunjuk penggunaan template pada file yang Anda download tadi. Selanjutnya Anda akan mengupload file .xml ke dalam akun Blogger Anda.
1. blogger themmes
2. Blogger Templates Blog

3. Blogger Styles

4. BTemplates

5. Theme Craft

6. Hook Up Your Blog

7. Deluxe Templates

8. Blogger Templates Free

9. Blogger Blog Templates

10. Blog Crowds

11. Zoom Template

12. Blog Template 4 U

13. Chica Blogger

14. Blogger-Templates

15. All Blogspot Templates

Semoga bermanfaat dan memberi wawasan bagi Anda

how to increase your rank on blog traffic

The pride of every blogger of course see blogs are owned pagerank highest dititik. Within this course I was still confused, bewildered to find ways to increase my blog ranking and pages indexed in google with the maximum. Alexa rank is a parameter traffick blog. Looking at my blog ranking in excess of tens of millions I was trying to find articles that course aims to increase my alexa traffic rank.
Here it is a little article I found in bergoogling ria. How to increase traffick rank alexa rank as well as how to increase blog traffic:
Before you go, you may be wondering why the blog you need traffic?

1.Trafik is one of the indicators used google and other search engines to determine how important your blog or website.
2.Trafik also an indicator that your blog is a blog that reliable, so you will be much easier to achieve first page positions on Google.
3.If you are following the posting program paid then you really, really need the traffic exceeds your need Pagerank. If you are in the Alexa top 300,000, then you will be very easy to win the bid (bargaining) with advertisers.
Create quality articles
Make visitors feel comfortable when visiting our website and of course to increase traffic to visit our website.
Blog posts regular updates and periodic
If your blog does not have content that is new, of course, visitors will rush to escape from your blog. And to note also to the blog post is with quality content. Due to the quality content will bring visitors. Content quality is generally an article of its own without copy paste. While you regularly updated blog postings from the copy and paste content, Alexa Rank will certainly consider it.
Means to bring in visitors who are loyal to someone else's blog is by blogwalking one and the other by leaving traces, And not once in a while you underestimate blogwalking. Although you rarely update your blog posts regularly, but you bring lots of visitors in a way blogwalking, Alexa Traffic Rank surely you will increase. For example many of our blogger friends that just by doing blogwalking. Alexa Rank blog can be increased dramatically.
Attach alexa widget
Attach alexa widgets on the blog. Alexa stat this site contains javascript that leads each visitor data (ping) to the server Alexa, Alexa statistics thus becomes more accurate. There is no shame pairs alexa widgets that are still millions - millions, because it is to achieve the desired results.
Install Alexa toolbar
Using a browser that is installed alexa toolbar will make your blog or website traffic rank increases. Actually, not just your website, but every website visited Alexa toolbar installed browsers also gets the value to be taken into account in the ranking. Then, not visitors from your website is yourself? If your browser already installed the toolbar, then the addition of ranking points will occur automatically. Click here to install Alexa Sparky toolbar on mozilla firefox.
Make a post about alexa rank
Write an article about alexa alexa or some sort of tips on blogging. Karna users of websites and blogs like ways to increase alexa ranking.

Installing tracker widget
Tracker is a tool that serves to record the blog statistics. As Pageview, Visitor, As well as being online. Due to the Tracker, we can see statistics of visitors coming and pageview our blog. Many providers tracker sites. But I just believe with Sitemeter and histats.

Page Replace your home with your blog address,
What tuh Home Page,,
Home Page is a typed first time you open your browser first page that appears is your blog, how to change your browser home page, the menu Tools-> Options-> Main menu-> address instead of Home Page with your blog address-> ok
please try if your blog is already up when you first open your browser Increase Backlinks
This method is the most accurate and must be done by all bloggers. Because, in addition to rapid increase traffic to your blog or webshte us and increase traffic Alexa rank, this can also increase the Google PageRank of your blog or website and more give us a chance blog or website to appear on the page one Google Search Engine (Language Kaskusnya pejwan , hehe)
Often Often-Share Link Blog / Website On Twitter and Facebook
This method is a second way to increase Alexa Traffic Rank. If you share a link blog / website / whatever is on Facebook and Twitter, then your friends or your Followers (Especially if you are very much followers) will most likely click on those links. Moreover, the foreign (read: Bule) is more often an adventure in Twitter. So many visitors who come to your blog or website. Alexa traffic rank will increase by itself (even though Alexa is not been to your blog / website for updates).


Maaf, bukan maksud saya menggurui anda karena mungkin anda lebih faham dari saya. Saya hanya ingin berbagi sedikit pengalaman terutama buat temen-temen bloger pemula seperti saya, sempet bingung juga dengan cara mempercantik halaman blog dengan memasang widget visitor pada halaman blog cuman pengalaman saya ini hanya di wordpress aja. Tapi sepertinya tidak jauh beda juga dengan halaman blog lain.Baik saya akan coba berikan apa yang saya tahu. Sebenarnya memasang widget visitor itu sangat gampang dan mudah kalau pengen coba ikuti langkah – langkah berikut :

1. Minta tolong sama mbah google klik http://whos.amung.us/ anda akan di antar ke halaman situs ini.

2. Kemudian ada Tulisan “Getting Started” anda dapat mengatur posisinya sesuai dengan kesukaan anda left,bottom atau right

3. Setelah itu anda beralih ke tulisan dibawahnya “more cool widgets” klik pada tulisan “showcase”

4. Kemudian anda akan di bawa ke halaman “our widgets.your site” kliklah salah satu gambar widgets yang anda suka

5. Setelah itu akan keluar dibawahnya kode html kemudian posting dengan mengklik tulisan “post” yang ada dibawah kode tersebut

6. Kemudian akan nampak beberapa lambang pilihlah lambang wordpress apa bila anda di blog wordpress

7. selanjutnya isi kotak dengan username dan password blog anda kemudian klik post maka akan segera terkirim ke halaman posting blog anda.

8. Selanjutnya silakan buka halaman edit posting anda kemudian lakukan edit untuk meng-publish-kan dengan cara : pada halaman edit posting buatlah add new catagory dengan nama yg anda suka kemudian buatkan post tags nya lalu cekles newcatagory yang dibuat tadi dan klik “Publish”

9. Langkah selanjutnya copy kode html yang ada di halaman edit post tadi kemudian klik “widget” pada “setting” dan lalu klik “Texs” buat nama seperti pada new catagory tadi dan paste html yang dikopi lalu cekles pada tempat yang akan kita letakkan lalu klik “update” dihalaman TEXS……..selesai

10. Nah silakan buka halaman utama blok anda widget tersebut pasti sudah terpasang. gampang kan???????

Silakan coba mudah-mudahan cerita ini berguna…inilah cara bodoh yang pernah saya lakukan…thank’s…….

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011


Sekedar berbagi pengalaman tentang Cara Pasang Google Translate dengan mentuk Drop Down .Kali ini saya akan memberikan tips tentang bagaimana Cara Pasang Google Translate Dengan Image Bendera. Translate dengan gambar bendera ini memang cukup menarik dilihat . selain itu gambar benderanya adalah gambar bendera masing-masing negara yang bahasanya ingin diterjemahkan. Dengan begitu Widget Google Translate Yang kita pasang akan lebih menarik.

Widget Google Translate yang berbentuk bendera yang akan kita pasang adalah seperti di bawah ini .silakan kamu sorot gambar benderanya maka nanti akan muncul nama negara dari pemilik bendera tersebut.

English French German Spain Italian Dutch Russian Portuguese Japanese Korean Arabic Chinese Simplified
Untuk membuat atau memasang Widget Google Translate berbentuk bendera tersebut,silakan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.

1.LOGIN ke Blogger dengan ID kamu.

2.Klik Tata Letak.

3.Klik tab Elemen Halaman.

4.Klik Tambah Gadget.

5.Kemudian Pilih HTML/Javascript.

6.Selanjutnya Copy Kode HTML yang sudah saya sediakan dibawah ini dan Paste di dalam kolom yang berisi kode HTML/Javascript itu.

7.Setelah itu Klik tombol SIMPAN